Thursday, September 30, 2010

30 Days Of Letters - Someone I Wish Could Forgive Me

When I read the first of Essin' Em's 30 Days Of Letters (Done before her by other bloggers whom I keep intending to read in length), I was intrigued. And now I'm giving it a go myself.

This one is rather interesting in that those who I wish could forgive me don't know what I have done to wish so. They have not spoken to me in years. I still feel horrible though.

To They Who Remain Nameless:

I’m sorry I lied to you. I’m sorry you’ll never know that I did. I miss you. This isn’t much of a letter, but really, I don’t want to go into detail about this.

I’m sorry.

My lies were numerous, and worked deep into our groups fabric, into my very being. I wish I could tell you myself.