Tuesday, September 28, 2010

30 Days Of Letters - Someone I Don't Talk To As Much As I'd Like To

When I read the first of Essin' Em's 30 Days Of Letters (Done before her by other bloggers whom I keep intending to read in length), I was intrigued. And now I'm giving it a go myself.

My cousin is easily one of my favourite family members, yet for some reason we rarely talk.

Dear Julia,

I miss you so much, and yet I don’t talk to you anywhere near enough. I remember re-meeting you in 2005, fidgeting with nerves that I’d get off the bus for vacation and be confronted with someone that was my antithesis. Instead, I found myself with a cousin almost exactly like myself. I still think it was the marshmallows all those years ago; something in only the ones we ate that made us different from the pack.

Every time one of us plans on being anywhere near the other, those plans seem to fall through. Something goes wrong. I hate this fact, because it’s been five years since I last saw you and while we have each other on facebook, we rarely talk.

Why must the one person other than my mother in our family who gets my love of darker music be a province away?